Thursday, February 24, 2011

Defects are really defective?

I am going write the series of brief texts about defects in crystalline solids. Below is the general description of definition and types of various defects.

We define the ideal crystal as a crystal with infinite dimensions, chemically pure, and composed of atoms at rest.  Sometimes, we admit in perfect crystals some perturbations of periodicity caused by thermal vibrations.  However, in reality, a perfect material does not exist.  Real crystals always contain various types of defects.  Defect will be defined here as a disruption in the regular arrangement in lattice crystal.  The mechanical and electrical properties of solids depend, in large extent, on the presence or absence of defects.  In fact, without the attendance of some particular defects, unique phenomena that occur in solids, would never happen.  This appendix is not a systematic discussion about defects, but a brief survey over the common imperfections occurred in crystals. 
            Depending on their dimensionality, one divides the defects into the following classes: a) point defects – appear at single lattice point, and are caused by lack or excess of single atoms, such as vacancies, or substitutional and interstitial impurities; b) line defects – occur along the row of atoms, for example: screw dislocations and edge dislocations; c) planar defects – consisted of planes disturbing the homogeneous regions, for example: grain boundaries, stacking faults, and twinning structures; d) volume defects, associated with the volume, such as voids, pores, or inclusions.  

Diamonds - Our Best Friends

SEM image of diamond - SiC composites.  [Author: mkwiel]
Below you can find a small  fragment of my article about SiC nanowires. It is published in Diamond & Related Materials 17 (2008) 84–89

Raman spectroscopy has been  successfully used to evaluate stress in chemical vapor deposited diamond films [1–5]. The technique has been used by many authors and is attractive because it is non-destructive, requires little sample preparation, and when combined with a confocal microscope it can probe an area as small as 1 micron in diameter. The Raman diamond F2g peak frequency position and broadening have been used to evaluate stress in  diamond films. Stress mapping of CVD diamond has been obtained by scanning a laser beam across the sample [5]. Despite considerable success of that method in stress characterization in CVD films, no attempt has been made to study stress in diamond composites. Diamond–silicon carbide composites are produced under high pressure, high temperature conditions, usually by the infiltration technique [6,7]. Diamond powder is placed on top of the silicon layer and then the system is compressed to about 8 GPa and temperature is raised to a value above the melting point of silicon. Liquid silicon penetrates pores between diamond crystals, reaching even the smallest cavities due to external pressure and strong capillary forces. When diamond crystals are surrounded by silicon they are believed to be under hydrostatic conditions. Silicon reacts with carbon atoms from the diamond phase forming silicon carbide. Because of different densities of silicon carbide and silicon the volume of the system changes and diamond crystals are no longer under pure hydrostatic conditions. Furthermore, differences in thermal expansion coefficients of diamond and silicon carbide and their different compressibilities strain diamond composites when temperature and pressure in the reaction chamber are decreased. 
In this study we use Raman microspectroscopy of diamond crystals in composites to provide information on the magnitude and distribution of residual stress and apply the results to optimize sintering conditions. We will discuss the effects of the sintering parameters such as pressure, temperature, and the initial crystal size of diamond powder on residual stress in composites.

If you are interested of full text of this article, please let me know in comments, write your email and I will sent it to you.  Best Regards.

Worms Or Not Worms - That Is The Question...

Below you can find a small  fragment of my article about SiC nanowires. It is published in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 17 (2005) 2387–2395
SEM image of SiC nanowires [author: mkwiel]

Silicon carbide (briefly called as SiC) is a wide-gap semiconductor with many superb properties, such as high hardness, high thermal conductivity, low  coefficient of thermal expansion, and excellent resistance to erosion and corrosion [1, 2]. It also exhibits interesting electronic and optical properties, which vary with the size of particles. The relationship between grain size and material properties has been studied for a large number of materials [3–6], including SiC [7– 1]. Recently SiC nanowires (NWs) have been produced and although their mechanical properties are very promising [8, 12–14] little is known about their microstructure and electronic/optical properties. SiC nanowires have been obtained by various methods, including carbothermal reduction of Si and carbon nanotubes [15], chemical vapour deposition [16, 17], reaction between SiCl4 and CCl4 with sodium as co-reductant [18], carbon nanotube-confined reaction [19, 20], and annealing carbon nanotubes covered with Si [21]. These methods either require high temperature for vapour–vapour [15] or solid–vapour [19, 20] reactions, or need a metal catalyst, Fe, Cu, or Ni, [16, 17]. In this study, we present an alternative synthesis of SiC nanowires that does not require catalysts or very high temperatures.

If you are interested of full text of this article, please let me know in comments, write your email and I will sent it to you.  Best Regards.